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.: Dxxx4 Projects this DCOM4 S1 S2

  • Proposals projects folder (part of Research phase):
  • Research Phase projects folder:
    • Research Phase Module: INTR8016
    • Handup: Week 12: 2 copies of your documentation and 2 CDs with the documentation on it.  
    • Demos week 13: 5 min presentation, <10mins Q&A/Discssion, 5 mins padding = 20mins slots. 
  • Implementation Phase projects folder
    • Dates: 
      • Project Handup week 12:
      • Demos Week 13
    • Handup material: Written report x2 and CD x2.


Project Information  - Details

There are two modules in each symester:

  • Semester1: Project Research Phase INTR8016
  • Semester2:  Project Implementation Phase  INTR8015

Project Proposal (project research phase) 

  • September Proposal Deadline: You need to EMAIL the project proposal to the dcom4 supervisor by mid September. This deadline also applies to those third years that are repeating exams in the Autumn.  See the proposal folder. Please carefully note how important it is to meet the above deadline - you may loose marks on your final Project Subject  result if you are late.
  • If you are in placement in industry you should look around the various departments for  ideas for a suitable final year project. 
  • Alternatively you can come up with a project idea yourself - quite often an area that you are interested in or a hobby you may have can often help with ideas for a project.
  • You must submit a project proposal, by email (only), to the project coordinator (Karl Grabe) by the published deadline (even if you are repeating exams in Autumn). Please try to send it in earlier if you can but not before Sept 1st. No receipt is issued but this web site will be updated once a week with a list of project proposal that have been received.
  • Proposals will be reviewed by a team of CIT lecturers and you will be informed if your proposal is suitable or not. 
  • If your project proposal is not suitable you will be given the reason(s) and asked to re-sumit
  • If your project is suitable you will be given the go-ahead, assigned a supervisor and you start your project. There may be some suggested changes which you must include in your proposal.
  • The deadlines for the project submission arearound week 12 for both research (early december) and implementation (early April) phases.
  • You are obliged to check the web page cit.KarlGrabe.com/projects regularly during the college year and also to regularly monitor your college email account. ** There is no FaceBook page **
  • Note that  students can bring supervisor-related problems to the attention of the project coordinator, who may have to refer certain issues on to the Head of Department. 
  • The results of both modules (Research & Implementation) will be posted in the normal fashion with your other subjects. 
  • Maintain a project plan - there's a free tool here that might be worth trying: http://www.teamworkpm.net/
  • Regarding questions on Intellectual property (IP) on your project you may contact Ronan but before that lookin in the project docs folder for some info

  • Ronan Coleman
    Commercialisation Specialist,
    Industry Liaison Office,
    Cork Institute of Technology,
    Phone:  CIT ext 5571

  • If you have suggestions for this page  - please email me.